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Document Management system with enterprise application integration

Document Management system with enterprise application integration

  • February 28 2024
  • Bhuvaneswari Duraisamy
Blog Details

The content across organizations (private, public, government) continues to grow. Content is spinning out at an increasing rate with high-volume and high-velocity. Big Contents can be in form of records, documents, blogs, media, files, web logs, social media feeds and more. Big Content is required to manage this huge unstructured data along with structured data.

100% Open Source

Whether for compliance, customer service, business continuity or effective collaboration document management is critical to any organization. Today users want the simplicity of a departmental solution, with simple to configure applications; while corporations want the consistent control and compliance of a scalable, robust content management system. OneGlobe offers the industry a leading open source document management system to simply capture, search and collaborate on documents with full library services and lifecycle management, on a unified, robust repository.

Traditional Document Management

Traditional document management has its roots in complex document vaults accessed by document librarians. Theses have historically been developed as large, complex, enterprise software applications. This has caused document management systems to be:

• Complex and difficult to use

• Very costly

• Very low adoption rate – typically 5% of users

The choice of a complex, robust document system or a simple to use system that lacks essential features has resulted in a very low adoption rate. The systems that users are familiar with and use are:

• Shared drive for storage

• Email for collaboration

• Google for search

• Folder structures and content for project plans

Document Management

OneGlobe offers document management using familiar interfaces to get rapid user adoption built on a repository that offers transparent, out-of-sight services for full ECM.

• Virtual File System – Replace shared drives and offer the same interface

• Email-Like Rules – Configure plug-in rules to automate manual processing and offer out-of-sight compliance

• Google-like Search – Search directly from Firefox or IE7

• Yahoo-like Browsing – Automatic meta-data extraction and categorization

• Smart Spaces – Best practice collaboration spaces

• Transparent Lifecycle support

OneGlobe’s Integration solution for ERP Platforms

For integration between document management system and any ERP platforms, we can develop and customize the web services for direct integration with document management system and trigger mail notifications on successful upload.



Content Categorization

• Automatic meta-data extraction and categorization from all interfaces

Advanced Search

• Native OpenSearch from Firefox or IE7 across multiple repositories, and also other Open Search repositories

Data Management and Transformation Engine

• Transformation Services – Office to ODF/PDF, PowerPoint to Flash

Library Services

• Check-In/Out - Minor and major version control

• Auditing – Who created, who updated, when created, when updated

• Document Cross Linking – Across multiple spaces

Team Collaboration

• Space Wizard – Best practice of folder structure, content, templates, rules and processes

• Forum Support – Threaded discussions

• Simple Email Based Workflow – Embedded URL “approve/reject”

• Email and RSS change notification

Integrated Workflow

• jBPM Integration – Complex workflow support

• Dashboard task management

• Compliance – Secure document lifecycle management


• Security and user management with users, groups and roles

• Document level security

• Single Sign-On through NTLM or LDAP

Benefits Client Realized

OneGlobe delivers the following benefits:

• Dramatically increased user adoption and Performance

• Dramatically reduced cost and TCO

• Reduced risk

• Rapid deployment

How does the solution works for Oracle ERP?

The following use case is for uploading a document to content management system from oracle EBS.

  • Once the report is completed, our web services will be automatically triggered which will upload the generated report to the document management services.

  • Also, our web services will create a folder under the name of the ERP user before uploading the document.


Workflow- ERP Platform Integration

How does the solution works for Custom application?

The following use case is to upload a file from custom application to content management system (on-premise) and enable mail notification to the required people.

  • User can open the application, enter the folder name and choose the file and enter the mail recipient details.

  • The application will call the web service and pass the parameter information which will ultimately upload the file to the on-premise version.

  • Based on the folder name entered, a folder will be created before uploading the file.

  • Mail will be sent to the recipient information entered.


Workflow- Custom Application Integration

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